Writing through a pandemic- creativity in freefall

What you may not know about me is that I am a writer as well as a sex worker. I should maybe use the term lightly, but I also think we get to label ourselves, I write daily and have done so for over a year, I think I now get to call myself a writer.

Over the pandemic, I have been thinking of the routines and hobbies I want to pour my time, love and attention into. There is always a long list of things that I do not have time to do, or maybe more accurately labeled, have not made time to do, and now is the time for me to reevaluate this list and see what really sings to me.

This is the time I have to dedicate to both activism and writing. If you are here, you must know that I enjoy to blog. I now what to spend more time blogging, writing and pursuing activism.

What does that mean? I am hoping to start making weekly blogs on a variety of themes within the sex industry, my life and my interests.

If you have followed me on Twitter, you will know that I am deeply interested and invested in changing the financial discrimination, which sex workers face and to document what we do face at this moment and through that trying to create change. I hope to have more time to spend researching financial discrimination and the banking and relaying this information to sex workers through my blogs and social media.

How can you support me during this time? I want to start taking informal writing courses. I would prefer to do this in person, however at this time, whilst living in Sydney with surging Covid-19 numbers, no in person courses are running (and I would not go if they were), so I will opt for informal zoom courses. If you are a writer, what writing courses have you really enjoyed? Do you have suggestions for me?

I have really enjoyed the Catherine Deveney Gunna’s writing classes and I would adore a subscription for a years worth of her courses, they happen monthly and I went to my first class just last week and really enjoyed it. I am thinking of signing up to a TAFE or university creative writing program to support my blog writing and creative writing pursuits. This will be my second degree (my first in Architecture) 

Alternatively book vouchers to my favourite local, independent book store would be fantastic. Either Glee Books or Better Read than Dead. Please no Amazon, as someone who was brought up in a second hand bookstore and who loves to support independent businesses, not one of the largest corporations in the world which is union busting and has created the worlds richest man, who does not pay is fair share of taxes. 

If you can do neither, please do follow me on social media, comment on this blog and enjoy my writing. I hope it continues to improve and draw you in.