Financially contribute to Miss Tallula


Financially contribute to Miss Tallula

Do you love viewing my twitter or reading my blog? Perhaps you would like to tip me for the work I put into my erotic writing and fantasies that you get to enjoy. You can contribute to me financially via Beem It, an app run by Eftpos in Australia. You pick a username and can write a description for the payment, when doing so, please use the date or an innocuous phrase like shopping so that I don’t face having my account closed due to financial discrimination. When the amount is credited from your bank account, all that is says on your bank statement is ‘Beem it withdrawl’ so is very discreet due, if this is important to you.

If you are into financial domination, Beem it also allows users to request money from each other, therefore I can request money from you directly and set submissive tasks for you accordingly.

Perhaps instead you're interested in financial management. If so you might want to read my blog about how I like to financially manage individuals.

I am also a crypto currency collector, I have been for some time since my main advertising platform moved to taking only bitcoin payments, contact me if you would like to gift me crypto, bullion or give me money directly into my bank account.